Introduction to the Astrology of Healing
Introduction to the Astrology of Healing
Introduction to the Astrology of Healing
Stress: The Cause of Disease
The First Wound
Rectification: Using Pivotal Events to Determine the Correct Time of Birth
This lesson includes quite a lot of bonus material so that everyone taking the course starts with the correct horoscope. Since the concept of pivotal events is directly linked to Ingrid Naiman's original concept of the First Wound, the lesson on Rectification is followed by a short essay on the First Wound with another supplement showing examples.
This is followed by a very brief overview of the history of medical astrology and an introduction to the role of stress as a causal factor in disease. Accompanying this lesson is the standard Holmes-Rahe Stress Test along with an online astrological test that users can configure.
Finally, there is a handout on Chyawanprash, an Indian herbal jam with a two thousand year history of stress protection and rejuvenation.